Gel Blaster gun

What is The Best Gel Blaster Gun – Ultimate Guides of 2023

If you’re looking for ways to enjoy your weekends or free time with your companions in any outdoor activity, outdoor shooting games can be a good option. For that, I think using gel blaster guns is a perfect pick. These guns offer better advantages compared to paintball guns. 

Using gel blaster guns creates less mess than paintball guns. These are safer too. I think you already know the advantages and are looking for some of the best options available in the market. No matter whether you know or don’t know about these guns, as you want to pick one, you’re in the right place. 

Here you’ll find me describing almost everything you need to know about these guns and recommending you some of the best gel ball blaster guns. So, stay with me if you think I can help you.

What is a Gel Blaster

What is a Gel Blaster?

This is a type of toy gun used for fun shooting games with family and friends. This gun uses small and hydrated gel balls as ammo. Typically, most gel blasters you’ll see are powered by batteries. However, you’ll find some other types too. But those are not as powerful as battery-powered ones. 

Most gel blasters provide you with the scope of choosing between automatic shooting and single shooting mode. However, you’ll see a few cheap options that come with only a single shooting option. 

Picking a perfect gel ball gun allows you to perform great when you’re playing with your friends and families. The advantages and features it offers would make the game more enjoyable. Also, you’ll have fewer messes to handle. 

What is the Best Gel Blaster Gun: My Picks

As picking the right gun helps you in many ways, you need to look for the best gel blasters available in the market. That’s why, for you, I’m going to share details of the guns I think can be a perfect choice. Here I’m revealing my experience and opinion. I suggest you cross-check before you buy.

Gel Blaster Surge

If you think a handy gun can make your game more enjoyable, try the Gel Blaster Surge. This is made to be handy, smooth-performing, and durable. Coming with a moderate budget, this cool-looking gun would enhance the fun to a new level. 

This is made with durable material. So, you can see it performing for a long time. The best thing it offers is flexibility. Besides choosing between semi and fully-automatic blaster modes, you can adjust the FPS too. Also, the tip and fins are changeable. So, you can change the colors for differentiating the teams. You’ll find other colors available.  

To hold the bullets, which they call Gellets, it comes with a hopper sitting on the gun. The gun is powered by a built-in rechargeable Lithium battery. To charge the battery, you’ll get a USB-C cable in the package. It gets charged fast. So, a 45-minute charge would allow you to play for around 4 hours without any interruption. 

The gellets doesn’t contain any toxic chemical. Also, those don’t irritate your skin. You’ll find these evaporating quickly after heating the target. So, you won’t have to handle any mess caused by these. Even the gellets are safe for the kids and pets too. 

Overall, this gun comes with some good features and flexibility options. Also, you’ll find it comfortable and easy to hold. The overall experience was good. I hope you’ll also love to experience such a gun. If you’re looking for an exciting fight that won’t leave a huge mess, check out this gun and the gellets. The package comes with a gun, charging cable, 1,000 gellets, a hopper, and a safety glass. 


  • Super safe gellets look great 
  • Easy to carry and control
  • Offers several flexible options
  • The smart barrel option offers comfort


  • Charging might take more time than it says
Gel Blaster Starfire

Gel Blaster Starfire

If you have a bit higher budget and you want something to continue playing when the dark comes, I suggest you get this one from the same manufacturer. It comes with a Starfire glow activator feature that charges the gellets within a short time and allows you to enjoy throwing lighting bullets at your enemies. This is a perfect gun if you enjoy the game at night. 

The rest of the gun is almost similar to the previous one I’ve talked about. You’ll have the adjusting scope for both shooting mode and FPS. Also, for adjusting FPS, it comes with a low-viscosity barrel for the safety of young players. You’ll get the barrel-removing tool with it.

The fins and tips are changeable. With the gun, you’ll find green ones that make it look great. However, you can buy other colors too and utilize those to differentiate the teams. 

It is also driven by a rechargeable battery placed inside. For charging the battery, you’ll get a USB-C charging cable. With a charge of around 1 hour, you can use the gun for around 5 hours, which is more than enough. However, charging doesn’t activate the Starfire glow feature. For that, you require to use two AAA batteries. 

Quality material is used to build the gun to keep it strong and durable. The design has made it comfortable to carry and handle. You won’t feel any issue with holding the gun and shooting with it. Overall, this is a good gun designed to enhance the fun and decrease mess. 


  • Comes with everything you need
  • Made to be durable and sturdy
  • Includes low-viscosity barrels and changing tool
  • Enhances the excitement with glowing bullets


  • The AAA batteries are not included
Buying a Gel Blaster Gun

Things To Consider While Buying a Gel Blaster Gun

Picking the perfect gel blaster is not like choosing one randomly. If you want a gel blaster gun to support you in enjoying the game, you need to pick it with careful consideration of several factors. Here in this part, I will be telling about those factors. So, read this carefully. 


Performance means how smoothly the gun can throw bullets. Typically, the main thing to consider here is the number of bullets it can throw within a second. You’ll find some guns throwing bullets at around 7-9 rounds per second. This is a moderate range and is okay for a good performance. 

But if you want better, you’ll find some offering around 11-12 rounds per second. Picking those is better in that case. 

Also, how far the gun can throw bullets is another thing to focus on. 

Type of the Gun

You need to have a preferred type of gun. Some enjoy having pistol gel blasters, whereas some love to use rifle gel ball blasters. Also, some find it comfortable to use SMGs. 

Knowing your preference is important in deciding what to buy as there are a lot of options. Your comfort depends on the type of gun you pick. 

Source of Power

The source of power is important because you need to use guns for a long time. You might think that the gun with sling shooting feature is the best as you won’t have to bear the cost of battery or electricity. But those guns are not that efficient. 

Battery-powered ones are way stronger than those. So, go for these. You’ll find two types- guns with removable batteries and guns with rechargeable batteries. Get one according to your comfort. I love rechargeable batteries, though. 

Building Material

The material used to build the gun is another thing to consider. I suggest picking one that is made with durable plastic if you want it to last for a long time. The cheap ones are okay for short time use, but those won’t last long. 

You can pick the ones made with metal, if you find any, for a realistic hand-feel. But for fun games, those would be a bit heavy. 


The appearance of the gel blaster gun is something that you need to focus on, I guess. To me, appearance matters because I don’t want to have something in a fight that looks dull to me. The look of the gun improves the spirit to fight. 

You’ll find guns with camo-appearance. Most people like this look. Also, you’ll see other combinations too. Pick one that makes you feel that you’re fighting. 

Magazine Capacity

If you need to reload frequently, you can’t perform well. Think of a situation where you’re in the middle of a battle and suddenly, your magazine becomes empty. There is a high chance that you’ll lose the game because it is almost impossible to go to the reloading station in most cases without getting shot. 

So, don’t forget to check the magazine capacity. A magazine that can hold 400-500 rounds is a decent pick. If you want, pick the guns where the magazine can be upgraded to a bigger one. 

Additional Features

If your gun has some additional features besides the basics, you’ll find some exciting advantages over others. So, looking for additional features is a must when you’re picking your gun. Some come with laser pointers to aim. Some offer better support for handling the gun. 

All the additional features are necessary. Just pick the one that comes with the features you prefer the most. 


Price is a matter because guns are not the only things you need for these types of games. So, you must have a tight budget. 

Try to keep a moderate budget for the guns. After a while, you’ll have some clue about the price range of the guns. Make your budget accordingly. 

However, I don’t support having a huge budget to pick the costlier one. Focus on your preference and comfort here. As you’re picking these for entertainment purposes, I guess spending a lot more than your budget won’t be a thoughtful thing.

How Much is a Gel Blaster Gun

How Much is a Gel Blaster Gun?

Gel blaster comes in several types. Depending on that, the price varies within a wide range. So, answering the question is a bit complex. Before knowing the price range, you might want to know the factors influencing the price. This would help you to understand better.

Type of the Gun

You’ll find gel blaster pistols, gel blaster rifles, snipers, SMGs, and so on. Depending on the type you’re picking, the price varies. Gel blaster pistols come at a lower price compared to the other types. The main reason is the size. Also, pistols are weaker than rifles and SMGs. This is another reason pistols are priced cheaper. 


The material used to build the gun is important in pricing. If it is made with metal, the price would be high. In the case of durable plastic-built guns, the price is a bit lower. Guns made with cheap plastics cost you way less than the above. 

Brand and Design

These are also important factors in pricing. Guns from well-known brands would cost you more than guns from brands that are not renowned. Also, some guns come with more attractive colors and designs compared to others. Those would cost you more. 

You’ll find a lot of factors affecting the price of these guns. Depending on all the factors, you’ll find most gel blasters within the range of 30-200 USD. Quality pistols would cost you around 30-70 USD. In the case of rifles, the cost is more. AK47 gel blaster can cost you around 100-120 USD typically.

You’ll see some out of this range too. There are reasons obviously. But you’ll find a good one for sure within the range I’ve talked about. 

Do Gel Blaster Guns Hurt?

The typical answer to this question is- no, gel ball guns don’t hurt. The reason is simple- the balls used in these guns are not hard. These are soft and brittle. So, in most cases, after hitting your body, those will break and disappear. So, you’re not going to get hurt with these guns. 

However, in a few circumstances, the answer is different. For example- if you’re shot from a close distance and the FPS is high, you might get a bit hurt. But that won’t be something you can’t tolerate. 

Also, if you’re shot in some sensitive areas of your body, for example- the eyes or the area around it, you’ll get hurt. From close points, these shots are more dangerous. You might not face any permanent damage or long-term problem, but the instant pain would be tough to tolerate. 

So, you need to be careful though the bullets don’t seem dangerous. Use protection for your eyes. Many guns come with a safety goggle in the package. Try to pick those. If not, buy goggles separately. You’ll find many available in the market. Sunglass will also work well if you feel comfortable. 

Places to Buy Gel Ball Blaster

What are the Places to Buy Gel Ball Guns?

If you’re looking for gel blaster guns to buy, you have several options. I’ve suggested two from an online shop. Besides that, you’ll find a lot of online shops selling such guns to interested people. Some of those websites are third-party platforms selling guns from different manufacturers. Some are the websites of the manufacturers directly. 

Also, some large online marketplaces sell these guns. Search for gel blaster guns on Amazon and you’ll find some. 

Searching for such guns on online platforms would give you a lot of options. So, you have the scope to pick that matches your preferences properly. However, having a lot of options is confusing too. Also, you can’t feel the guns if you shop online. 

To know how those feel and pick one according to your comfort, offline shops can help you. Check the large toy shops around you. There you’ll find many options too. You can check the hand-feel and select the best one. However, you might not have access to a huge collection in the case of shopping from offline stores.

I’ve talked about several places where you’ll find gel ball guns. Choose the way you find the most comfortable for you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is carrying a gel blaster gun illegal?

As gel blaster guns can’t cause serious damage, carrying these is not illegal. However, because of some recent TikTok trend of harassing people with these guns, police departments in several states have said that carrying these guns would cause punishment or fines.

Also, in some states, carrying anything that looks like a real gun is considered a serious issue and causes a penalty. So, if your gun looks like a real one, you shouldn’t bring it outside. If you’re picking a new gun, try to avoid the ones that look like real guns.

Do I need to have a license for having a gel blaster gun?

Typically, it is not needed to get a license to own such a gun. Still, as it is a gun, many places have restriction on it. If you’re living somewhere like this, you would have to have a license for owning a gel blaster gun.

To know more about it, visit the nearest police department and know what your country or state says about it. If you need to get a license, make one. The process is not lengthy and tough in most cases. So, spend some time, follow the steps, and you’ll get a license for owning these fun guns.

Can gel blaster cause serious damage?

Gel blasters don’t cause any serious damage only if they are not used to shoot at the eyes or other sensitive areas. The ammo in these guns is soft and breakable. So, when you’re shot by a gel blaster ammo, you might feel a pinch. The pain you’ll feel depends on the distance of shooting. However, even if it is a close shot, the pain is not enough to stop you from enjoying the game.

In the case of sensitive areas, the pain might be more and may have a damaging impact. However, you can easily lessen the risk by wearing safety gadgets, for example- goggles.

Don’t worry much about being hurt with a gel blaster gun. It is still safe.

How to make a gel blaster game safer?

If you’re worried and want to make the game safer, you can take several precautions. Protecting your eye is important as a shot to the eyes might cause serious damage. Almost all the gel blaster guns come with safety goggles. Wear it before starting the game. If yours doesn’t come with goggles, buy one separately because it is important.

Also, you can wear some basic protective clothes, for example- long sleeve shirts, full-length pants, shoes that cover the feet, etc. These clothes would save you from direct interaction of the balls with your skin. Thus, you’ll feel less or zero pain.

What is the best way to store the hydrated gel balls?

I suggest utilizing all the gel balls you’ve hydrated because storing might change those a bit. However, if you hydrate a lot of balls and need to store those for the next game day, you can keep those somewhere out of direct sunlight. Also, make sure that you’re using an airtight box so that the balls don’t come into contact with dirt and dust.

The best place to store these balls is inside the refrigerator. There you can store the balls without the risk of shrinkage. Take those in a jar or bottle and keep that in the refrigerator. This way, you can keep those alive for around 2 weeks.

What can be the probable mess caused by the gel balls after a game?

There is no scope of seeing a huge mess after a gel blaster game. The reason is- the gel balls used in the game are non-toxic. So, you won’t face issues like rash, itching, etc. Also, those don’t leave any stain when shot, except maybe a little mark of water that goes away soon. So, your clothes and surroundings are safe too.

Then these are biodegradable. So, you won’t find a lot of these spreading here and there on your lawn. Within a few hours, those would get vanished.

In the end, you’ll see zero mess created by the small, hydrated balls.

What is the difference between a paintball gun and a gel blaster gun?

Paintball guns shoot balls filled with paints that leave a mark when they hit a place. On the other hand, gel blaster guns throw polymer water bids that break easily without leaving a mark when coming in contact with any object.

Most paintball guns use expanding gas to throw the balls, whereas gel blaster guns utilize battery power for this. Paintball hits are stronger and more painful compared to the water beads thrown by gel blasters.

These are the common dissimilarities between these two forms of toy guns. There are structural differences also.

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