splatter ball gun, splat ball gun

What is The Best Splatter Ball Gun – Ultimate Guide of 2022

Enjoying a gunfight in your backyard is one of the best ways to spend your leisure time. Kids love it too. No matter whether it is family fun time, family gathering, or meeting with friends, such outdoor activity makes the time more entertaining. Also, it aids to improve the bond among everyone. 

While arranging such an activity, you’ll see that you need some guns that you can use to shoot paintballs or water balls at others. There are a lot of types of guns you’ll find in the market. A splatter ball gun is one of those options. 

I know that you’re interested in it. So, I’ll be discussing a lot about these guns, suggesting some options, and sharing my thoughts about them. If you think you need to know further about these or require some suggestions, don’t leave me. You’ll find everything you should know about splatter ball guns here. 

What is a Splatter Ball Gun?

This is a specific kind of toy gun designed to shoot small balls filled with gel or water, being powered by batteries mostly. Besides battery-powered splat guns, you’ll find some guns throwing balls manually using the sling method. 

Battery-powered guns are way more efficient compared to other types. Those can throw balls faster and further. 

The ammo of such guns is typically biodegradable, so those get vanished after shooting. They are made this way to reduce environmental impact by keeping waste low. Also, in most cases, the bullets don’t leave any mark on the spot they hit. This keeps your clothes safe and reduces the hassle of cleaning. 

What is The Best Splatter Ball Gun: My Recommendations

You’ll find a lot of several types of splatter ball guns available on the market. Choosing the best among those is not that easy. If you’re looking for someone who can make it easier for you, here I’m. Now I’ll talk about my top three suggestions for you as you’re looking for splat guns.

splatrball srb1200

SplatRball SRB1200 Full Auto Rechargeable Battery Powered Water Bead Splatter Ball Gun

If you want a fast and durable splat ball gun for your backyard fight, there is no reason to avoid this one. Being constructed with durable ABS material and Nylon, this gun offers you a good hand-feel and smooth performance. 

The gun is powered by a strong 1800 mAh battery which allows you to shoot around 5,000 times per charge. With the included charging cable, you’ll need about 4 hours to charge the battery fully. 

It comes with a drum magazine which is able to store around 1200 round bullets at once. This drum-sized magazine is set up in a way so that it doesn’t hamper your eyesight. 

With the ability to shoot around 11 rounds per second, it allows you to stay one step ahead of the enemies. You’ll find around 6,000 bullets in the package. These are stain-free, harmless, and easy to clean. So, you’re not going to face a messy situation when the game is over. 

It offers some good features to make the game far more enjoyable. For example- the Water Gel Ball Activated Target feature allows you to know how accurate you are shooting and improve the accuracy. You’ll find blue LED bars on both sides that improves the look. 

The package comes with everything you need- the gun, a battery and charging cable, 6,000-round ammo, an easy-loading funnel, safety glasses, etc.

Overall, SRB1200 is a durable, fast, and easy-to-handle splatter gun that you’ll find within your budget. It also comes with a good appearance. So, I’m sure that you’ll love it. 


  • Comes with the ability to shoot fast
  • The package includes everything needed
  • Made to be rigid and durable
  • Have a great appearance
  • Comes with several important features


  • The charging system could be a bit better
splatrball srb400

SPLATRBALL SRB400 Rechargeable Battery Powered Water Bead Splat R Ball 

Looking for a good splatter ball gun would bring you to the Splatrball SRB400 from Splatrball for sure. If you’re not stuck in the first option I’ve suggested, you can check this one from the same brand. However, it comes with almost similar features with some major differences. Let’s check those. 

The first thing I’ve seen is the shooting rate. It can shoot at a rate of 8 bullets per second when in automatic mode. This is a decent performance in my opinion. A feature like Water Activated Target has made it more efficient for the game. 

Here in this rifle, you won’t have to add an unrealistic magazine. The magazine is an integrated part of the gun, which can carry around 400 balls at once. This is good enough for small fights. The Easy-load Ammo Bottle allows you to load the magazine putting the lowest possible effort. 

It is also powered with an 1800 mAh battery, just like the previous one, which allows it to shoot around 5,000 times per charge. The cable also comes in the package with other things. 

The combination of Nylon and high-quality ABS has made this gun durable, medium impact-resistant, and powerful. The combination of orange and ash color has it nice to look at. Besides the gun, the package includes 5,000 rounds of ammunition, battery, charging cable, hydrator, safety glass, and Water Activated Target. 

Overall, this is a good quality gun if you’re looking for something within a lower-mid budget. 


  • Constructed with strong and high-quality material
  • Is able to shoot at a decent rate
  • Comes with everything required
  • Made for the lower-mid budget range
  • Looks cool for the game


  • Not for too young kids
splatrball srb400 sub

SplatRball SRB400-SUB Gel Ball Water Splatter Ball Gun

Splatrball SRB400-SUB is another splatter ball gun from Splatrball that can be suitable for your preferences. It is almost similar to the previous gun with a few differences in look and features. So, let’s check what this gun comes with to offer you. 

If you don’t like the appearance of the gun I’ve talked about previously, have a look at it. It comes in a pattern containing ash and blue colors. I love the color combination here, to be honest. The material is similar to the previous one- high-quality ABS and Nylon. The battery is also similar- an 1800 mAh rechargeable battery. 

With the help of this gun in your hand, you can shoot around 8 balls per second. For this, the magazine capacity is around 400 balls per loading. With the gun, you’ll find 10,000 damage-free and stain-free gel ball ammunition. Those are biodegradable too.

You’ll find a removable sling and clip in the package. You might want to use those. The sling and clip help you to carry it easily when you’re in the game. However, you won’t find the Water Activated Target feature here, which is a downside, I guess.

The package comes with the gun itself, 10,000 gel ball ammunition, the charging cable and battery, safety glass, and the sling along with the clip. This is a good package for the price it is tagged with. You’ll find it strong and durable. 


  • Comes with an attractive look
  • 10,000 SplatRball gel ball ammunition is included
  • Handy and comfortable to carry
  • The perfect pick for the budget


  • Doesn’t include Water Activated Target feature
Things to check while buying splatter ball gun

Things to check while buying splatter ball gun

At the time of buying a splatter ball gun, you need to focus on some points. Depending on those, you can pick the best choice for you. Let’s discuss the major focus points to buy the best splat gun. 


Performance is the vital focus when you’re picking such a gun. The reason is you want to make the game more enjoyable and fight better than others. So, look for guns that can shoot fast and far.

A gun with the capacity of shooting at around 10-12 bullets per second is a good option. The capacity of shooting 7-9 balls is also decent. Try to pick one that offers such efficiency. You’ll find many options fulfilling this criterion. Also, pick the ones that can shoot to a good distance. 


Durability is important because you’re investing a good amount in the guns. Check user reviews to know about the durability of the guns. Also, material matters when it is about durability. Guns made with strong materials last more. Don’t miss this point by any chance. 

The durability of the battery also matters if you’re looking for a battery-powered gun. So, check this too. 


You’ll find several types of splatter ball guns in the market. Some look like pistols, some are rifles. Also, there are SMGs, machine guns, snipers, shotguns, etc. If you have a solid bias for a specific type of gun, pick that. 

This is an important point because your comfort depends on it.

Type of Ammunition

I suggest checking the type of ammunition it can shoot as you’ll find several options available. If you can, try to pick such guns that can throw several types of ammo. Doing this won’t stop you when a specific type of ammo is finished or not found.

Also, the ammo should be harm-free and damage-free. Also, pick biodegradable ammo that vanishes after a while. Thus you’ll be safe from the hassle of cleaning. 


Look matters to a lot of people in this case, maybe to you too. I think the gun should come with a rigid and tough look. This might not have any impact on the performance of the gun. But in my opinion, a tough-looking gun enhances the feel of combat. 

For safety reasons, these gins are not made exactly as the looks of original guns. But a closer look makes it more fun. 

The capacity of the Magazine

The capacity of the magazine is important, especially if you want the sessions to be long. When the magazine can carry a lot of balls, you won’t have to reload again and again. On the other hand, if the magazine is small, you would have to reload inside the sessions, which would eat up some important time. 

Also, make sure that the magazine can be reloaded easily.


Your budget for the gun matters too. I don’t think that you need to make your budget higher if you find a better option. As this is just for entertainment purposes, spending a huge without any reason is not a good thing to do. 

So, if budget is a matter to you, try to pick guns within your budget. You’ll find many. However, don’t compromise with the build material.

Additional Features

A gun that can shoot balls is good enough for a game. But you need some additional features to turn the game into a more comfortable and pleasant one. For example, some allow you to pick different shooting modes. Some come with a targeting feature, whereas some come with a feature for comfortable handling. 

Search for such additional features that help you to utilize most of them in the game.

How Much is a Splatter Ball Gun

How Much is a Splatter Ball Gun?

As you’ll find a lot of different types of splatter ball guns, mentioning a specific price is not possible. A lot of factors influence the price. Pistol-type guns cost way less than sniper-type guns. Also, rifles come in a modest price range. 

The material also brings a great difference in the price of the guns. Some guns are made of plastic, a few come with metal bodies. Price differs in these two types. Also, depending on the quality of the plastic, the price varies. 

Price varies depending on the design too. Some attractive designs come with more expensive price tags compared to the normal ones. Brand name matters. Some well-known brand sells guns at higher prices compared to others. If you think you need a splatter gun with a dependable brand name, you would have to spend more. 

Several other factors are there too. 

Depending on all the factors, you’ll find most splatter ball guns within the range of 20-200 USD. Pistols will hardly make you spend more than 40 USD. On the other hand, the cost of rifle-type guns is somewhere beside a hundred bucks. I guess snipers would cost you nearly 200 USD

You’ll find the most splatter ball guns within the price ranges I’ve talked about here.

Where To Buy Splatter Ball Guns?

I think the best place to buy splatter ball guns is the internet. You’ll find a lot of toy stores online selling such toy guns. Some websites are directly owned by the manufacturers, whereas some are selling such guns from different brands. 

The biggest advantage of buying from online shops is the wide range of collections. You have enough scope to check all the websites, see all the guns available, and then pick the best one in your eyes. This is the reason many people like to buy those online. Online marketplaces like Amazon also sell such toy guns. 

But while buying from online stores, you can’t understand the hand-feel of the gun. Offline shops can fill this gap. You’ll find a lot of toy stores around you selling such toy guns. You can go there, see the collection, and select the one that you feel is the best pick for you. 

Try to visit the large shops. Doing this would help you to see a large collection that you won’t find in small shops. However, you’ll find some physical toy shops dedicated to outdoor games. Those are the best offline places to buy splatter ball guns. 

So, you can see that there are a lot of options when you want to buy splatter ball guns. All you need is to invest enough time to explore the options and check the guns available there. If you have enough time, make a list of the guns you like and then pick one that matches your criteria. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are Splat Guns Illegal?

Splat guns are a type of toy gun that can’t create much damage. So, these guns are not illegal to carry in public. But in recent times, a TikTok trend or something like that is encouraging people, especially teens, to use these guns for harassing people as a part of the fun. 

Police departments of several states have already noticed this and warned everyone about it. If anyone is found to harass people with splat guns, they’ll be charged monetary fines for the action. So, you’re safe if you don’t have any such intention. However, if you carry those in public, the police may want to talk to you for a few minutes about this. 

Do Splatter Ball Guns Hurt?

Splatter guns use a type of ammo that is soft. So, if you’re shot using a splatter gun, there is a high chance that you won’t get hurt, especially if it is shot from a distance.

If you’re shot from a close distance, there is a chance that you’ll get hurt a bit. But the great news is- you don’t get hurt that much.

In the case of shooting in sensitive areas, for example- the eyes, or the area around your eyes, you might get hurt even if you’re shot from a distance. From a close range, it can be dangerous as the bullets are thrown at high speed.

That’s why wearing safety goggles is suggested when you’re in a splat ball gun fight.

It also varies on the sort of ammo you’re using. If it is soft ones that are recommended to use, the possibility of being

How Fast Does a Splat Gun Shoot?

To win a fight, you need to make sure that the gun shoots fast so that you have more chances to get your enemies down. That’s why it is significant to know how fast it can shoot.

Typically, a common splat ball gun can shoot around 7-10 rounds per second when in an automatic mode. But you’ll find faster guns that can shoot 11-12 rounds per second. This is the most available range you’ll find. It depends on the ability of the gun.

When not in automatic mode, a splat gun can shoot only one bullet each time you press the trigger.

How Long Do Splatter Balls Take to Grow?

You’ll find several types of splatter balls in the market. The time required to grow depends on the balls. Most splat balls found in the market take around 4 hours to grow to a full size. You won’t find many balls requiring more than this.

If you need something that can grow faster, you won’t have many options here too. So, you need to put the balls in water for hydration at least 4 hours before the time you’re starting. Make sure that you’re soaking the balls in a large container and having enough water in it. Otherwise, you might need more time to get those in the required size. 

Are Splat Balls Toxic to Dogs?

Splatter balls are made with materials that are not toxic to humans. However, there is no information about its toxicity to dogs. So, you might need to stay safe.

Also, there is no incident saying that splatter balls are toxic to pet dogs. From this point, you can stay tension-free.

Though these balls are not toxic to the skin of dogs, you need to stay careful still because eating up these balls might be dangerous for your dogs. They are curious and this curiosity might lead them to eat the splatter balls. In that case, your dog might face trouble. Though I haven’t found any information about such incidents, staying safe and careful is always recommended.

How Long do Splatter Balls Last?

It is always recommended to use all the splatter balls you’ve hydrated. However, you can use those in your next day’s game too, if you store those balls carefully. Splatter balls can last around a few days after getting hydrated, but with time the hydration started to reduce. This might have an impact on the structure and make those break easily. So, you need to use those as soon as possible.

Splatter balls that are not hydrated can be stored for a long time. To know the exact time, ask the seller because the durability depends on the manufacturer in some cases.

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